Posts Tagged as "Golang"


One of the significant limitations encountered in Go prior to version 1.18 is the inability to create functions that can operate seamlessly across multiple input and output data types. This restriction undermines the language's capacity to facilitate code abstraction and maintainability, as developers are compelled to duplicate function implementations for each distinct data type they wish to handle. Consequently, this not only introduces redundancy and increases the likelihood of errors but also inhibits the creation of generic solutions that can adapt to varying data structures. As a result, the absence of generics in Go prior to version 1.18 imposes considerable constraints on developers, impeding their ability to write concise, efficient, and adaptable code.

Docker for developers

The first step to start learning docker is to distinguish two word, image and container. By knowing them you can go deeper and learn some useful command to work with docker in your projects for development and also use it for easy deployment. Docker also has some advance concepts like Docker Swarm that it is an orchestration tool. You will also learn some basic knowledge about it in this post.